2019 12 16
I wabted to deploy gitea and drone inside a kubernetes cluster via helm, but I had trouble with service discovery and different ports between ingresses and external services. So I started to write my own .yml files for deployment in mygithub repo....
2019 11 28
Quarkus is a container first Microservice Framework for Java, that is tailored for HotSpot and Graalv. While Quarkus primary focus is communicate with other service via rest, I have build an example to render server side html with vertx-web and Pebble Templates. The Example can be compiled to native...
2019 05 26
Since working at the Zentrum VirtUOS I allways have a heart for wikis. I am at the moment looking for a knowledge base to manage projects in conjunktion with jira for the whole projekt lifecycle from demands and requirement engeneering till all tickets are solved. At the momemnt xwiki looks like a p...
2019 05 02