2015 05 07

Docker can be run quite stable and easy under windows 8. At first install msysgit and launch a bash shell. Get the latest Version of the docker client and docker-machine by pasting the next two commands: {% highlight text %} curl -L https://get.docker.com/builds/Windows/x86_64/docker-1.6.0.exe > /bi...

2015 01 15

Spring Boot makes it easy to build microservices. Containers are a standard way to run microservices in production. This post shows how to develop a spring boot application inside of a docker container using the spring-boot-maven-plugin, the Springsource Toolsuite, docker and fig. The source is a mi...

Lazyloading jpa and spring webflow

When I did a code review recently in some of our projects I found a lot of calls of Hibernate.initialze() to get rid of lazy loading problems when using hibernate as a jpa provider. Despite of using the OpenEntitymanagerInViewFilter lazy loading somehow did not seem to work, so the developers did it...


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