2015 05 07

Docker can be run quite stable and easy under windows 8. At first install msysgit and launch a bash shell. Get the latest Version of the docker client and docker-machine by pasting the next two commands:

{% highlight text %} curl -L https://get.docker.com/builds/Windows/x86_64/docker-1.6.0.exe > /bin/docker curl -L https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.2.0/docker-machine_windows-amd64.exe > /bin/docker-machine {% endhighlight %}

Verify your installation:

{% highlight text %} $ docker -v Docker version 1.6.0, build 4749651

$ docker-machine -v D:\Programme\Git\bin\docker-machine version 0.2.0 (8b9eaf2) {% endhighlight %}

You can now provision a boot2docker instance on hyper-v using docker-machine. It will automatic download the latest boot2docker image, create a hyper-v vm and register the nessesary keys.

  1. Install (Internet Connection Sharing)[http://www.packet6.com/allowing-windows-8-1-hyper-v-vm-to-work-with-wifi/] aka NAT for hyper-v or use (bridging)[http://blogs.technet.com/b/canitpro/archive/2014/03/11/step-by-step-enabling-hyper-v-for-use-on-windows-8-1.aspx].
  2. Provision a dev environmten with docker-machine create -d hyper-v dev.
  3. Set up your env varibles with eval ”$(docker-machine env local)”. You should at this to your .bashrc, so it is present in every shell.
  4. Test your environment by running docker run hello-world.

To orcestrate multiple docker images, you can use (docker-compose)[https://docs.docker.com/compose/]. Since it a the moment heavily relies on posix file api, which is not present on windows, you can use it inside a (docker image)[https://github.com/dduportal-dockerfiles/docker-compose]. You can simply add an alias to your .bashrc

{% highlight text %} alias docker-compose=“docker run -v ”$(pwd)”:/app dduportal/docker-compose:latest” {% endhighlight %}

Test your installation by running docker-compose —version.